Monday, March 22, 2010

This is the Day!!

This is the day the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it !! Psalm 118:24

Even on this new spring day, with its damp chill and clouds, I see a patch or two of green (either grass or weeds) in my lawn. There are a few buttercups blooming in the yard across the street. In my backyard, the new green leaves of my tulips are breaking through the wintry sod. It has been a hard winter, both inside my head and outside in my yard. But, I sense the newness of the return of Spring. I yearn for it. I check for new buds on the lilac bushes, give a nod to the robin pecking for worms in my yard, and whistle back to the redbird perched in the top of the poplar.

So, I will continue to look for Spring. But today, I will rejoice for the newness of opportunity that God has given me.
I will put out the papers for recycling, unpack from the wonderful weekend I had in Winston-Salem with my daughter June & son-in-law Bobby and with 10 of my church family at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina General Assembly.
I might read some from Half the Sky by Kristoff & WuDunn. My book club is reading it this month. Check out info about the movement spurred by this book. I will rejoice and be thankful for this new day !!

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